[ANN] RUR-PLE version 0.9.9

André andre.roberge at gmail.com
Thu Jun 22 22:42:29 EDT 2006

Roberge's Used Robot: a Python Learning Environment

Version 0.9.9 of RUR-PLE has been released.  It can be found at:

RUR-PLE should work properly on all major platforms (Mac, Linux and
Windows) in 3 different languages (English, French, Spanish).  Feedback
would be appreciated to confirm this prior to release of version 1.0.

Learning to program computer should be fun, for adults and children
alike. RUR-PLE is an environment designed to help you learn computer
programming using Python. RUR-PLE is a wxPython-based app.

RUR-PLE contains four main elements:
1. Lessons viewable within an incorporated browser. Version 0.9.9
includes over 40 lessons introducing Python.   A few more will be
written for the 1.0 release.
2. A "robot world" with a robot that can accomplish tasks through
3. A built-in interpreter which can be used to play with Python.
4. A built-in file editor which can be used for futher Python

This version includes a triilingual (English, French and Spanish)
interface.  Translations to other languages are welcome.

Only English lessons are included.

Apprendre à programmer devrait être amusant, que l'on soit un adulte
ou un enfant.

RUR-PLE est un environnement conçu pour vous aider à apprendre la
programmation informatique avec le langage Python. Pour utiliser
RUR-PLE, vous aurez besoin de wxPython. L'interface est disponible en
français, mais les leçons ne sont malheureusement pas encore
traduites en français.


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