Regular Expression - old regex module vs. re module

Jim Segrave jes at
Fri Jun 30 11:58:02 EDT 2006

In article <ePapg.6149$Bh.3500 at>,
Paul McGuire <ptmcg at> wrote:

>Not an re solution, but pyparsing makes for an easy-to-follow program.
>TransformString only needs to scan through the string once - the
>"reals-before-ints" testing is factored into the definition of the
>formatters variable.
>Pyparsing's project wiki is at

If fails for floats specified as ###. or .###, it outputs an integer
format and the decimal point separately. It also ignores \# which
should prevent the '#' from being included in a format.

Jim Segrave           (jes at

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