CENSORSHIP - Django Project (Schema Evolution Support)

Ilias Lazaridis ilias at lazaridis.com
Wed Jun 7 08:18:47 EDT 2006

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilias_Lazaridis

What has this "wikipedia" entry to do with the topic here?

What is the credibility and value of the provided "wikipedia" entry?

Let's review the editor's list:



"Howdy. I'm James Bennett, a web developer[...]and then moved to 
Lawrence, Kansas where I now work for World Online, the online division 
of the Lawrence Journal-World and home of the Django web framework."


- no profile available -


Note to readers:

Further links and explanations about my past evaluation work are 
publicized on my website:


Those evaluations are now closed, and I try to focus on personal 
projects, whilst contribution results back to other users in the open 
source way.


I try now to apply such "Requirements Compliancy Audits" in a more 
decent way:


For some reason, the Django Project Community and leadership has reacted 
extremely against my findings, writings and even code-level contributions.

At this point I don't know why.

But possibly I will do so shortly.



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