ConfigParser, no attribute

Nexu nexu.jin at
Mon Jun 5 15:37:26 EDT 2006


I'm not sure exactly what i'm doing wrong here. I asked around on IRC
and i was told the code is correct.
The purpose of Settings() is that whenever Settings() or any of its
methods are called. It should pick up the latest settings from file
instead of returning what was in the buffer. This allow other scripts to
change the value and my program and pick these changes up.
Everything else should work exact same as ConfigParser().
class Settings(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
	def __init__(self):
		self.filename = os.path.join(xchat.get_info('xchatdir'), 'nxscript',
			config_file = file(self.filename, 'r')
			self.readfp(config_file, self.filename)
			if self.sections() == []:
			if self.has_section('Global'):
				self.set('Global', 'ProtectME', 'false')
		except IOError:
			nx.sysmsg('Configuration file not found')

	def update_file(self):
			config_file = file(self.filename, 'w')
		except IOError:
			nx.sysmsg('Could not write to configuration file')
SAMPLE CODE (what i want to able to do):
setting = Settings()
if setting.get('Global', 'ProtectME'):
	print 'protection enabled'
   File "/home/nexu/.xchat2/nxscript/", line 43, in ?
     setting = Settings()
   File "/home/nexu/.xchat2/nxscript/", line 24, in __init__
     self.readfp(config_file, self.filename)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 286, in readfp
     self._read(fp, filename)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 451, in _read
     if sectname in self._sections:
 AttributeError: Settings instance has no attribute '_sections'

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