PAMIE error help needed

david brochu jr brochu121 at
Wed Jul 19 16:15:13 EDT 2006

I have thrown together a script which reads a list or urls from a txt file
and navigates to each url while recording how long it takes for the page to
render completely using PAMIE. For some reason I randomly get crashes

  File "c:\Python24\scripts\", line 30, in IE_Invoke
  File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\", line 496,
    raise AttributeError, "%s.%s" % (self._username_, attr)
AttributeError: InternetExplorer.Application.Navigate

The code I use to browse through the list;

for x in f:
        ie = IE_Invoke(x)
        starttime = time.clock()   #get timestamp at IE startup
        wait(ie)     #wait for IE to completetly load page
        stoptime = time.clock()    #get timestamp at IE completion
        elapsed = stoptime-starttime   #calculate the runtime
        excel_open.xlApp.ActiveSheet.Cells(Row,1).Value = x
        excel_open.xlApp.ActiveSheet.Cells(Row,2).Value = elapsed

        Row = Row+1
        count_non_no_tool = count_non_no_tool + 1
        total_non_no_tool = elapsed + total_non_no_tool

    f = f.close()

The script crashes in different locations when it crashes so it doesn't
appear to be one url causing the problem. Any ideas?
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