Dictionary .keys() and .values() should return a set [withPython3000 in mind]

Delaney, Timothy (Tim) tdelaney at avaya.com
Mon Jul 3 17:20:56 EDT 2006

Paul Rubin wrote:

> "cmdrrickhunter at yaho.com" <conrad.ammon at gmail.com> writes:
>> And a "view" of the dictionary is orders faster than creating a copy
>> of it (which is required to keep k0 from changing in your example). 
>> If you're LUCKY, copying a dictionary is O(n),
> There are ways to do it so you don't have to copy, but the dict would
> then no longer be a straightforward hash table.

Plus copy-on-write isn't something you want in general - it's *much*
slower since it needs to copy the internal data every time it's
modified. The vast majority of uses of data structures does not involve
concurrent modification.

Tim Delaney

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