How to force a thread to stop

Paul Rubin http
Wed Jul 26 19:17:31 EDT 2006

bryanjugglercryptographer at writes:
> > Have you looked at POSH yet?
> Paul, have you used POSH? Does it work well? Any major gotchas?

I haven't used it.  I've been wanting to try.  I've heard it works ok
in Linux but I've heard of problems with it under Solaris.

Now that I understand what the OP is trying to do, I think POSH is
overkill, and just using pipes or sockets is fine.  If he really wants
to use shared memory, hmmm, there used to be an shm module at

but that site now hangs (and it's not on, and Python's
built-in mmap module doesn't support any type of locks.  

I downloaded the above shm module quite a while ago, so if I can find
it I might upload it to my own site.  It was a straightforward
interface to the Sys V shm calls (also *nix-only, I guess).  I guess
he also could use mmap with no locks, but with separate memory regions
for reading and writing in each subprocess, using polling loops.  I
sort of remember Apache's mod_mmap doing something like that if it has

To really go off the deep end, there are a few different MPI libraries
with Python interfaces.

> I looked at the paper... well, not all 200+ pages, but I checked
> how they handle a couple parts that I thought hard and they
> seem to have good ideas.

200 pages??  The paper I read was fairly short, and I looked at the
code (not too carefully) and it seemed fairly straightforward.  Maybe
I missed something, or am not remembering; it's been a while.

> I didn't find the SourceForge project
> so promising. The status is alpha, the ToDo's are a little scary,
> and project looks stalled.  Also it's *nix only.

Yeah, using it for anything serious would involve being willing to fix
problems with it as they came up.  But I think the delicate parts of
it are parts that aren't that important, so I'd just avoid using

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