Problem with sub-classing

Bernard Lebel 3dbernard at
Mon Jul 17 14:07:48 EDT 2006


I have this problem when subclassing classes where I get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<Script Block >", line 344, in BBExportElementGranules_Execute
    from bb_pipeline import bb_exportelementgranules

File "\\Linuxserver\ANIMATION\XSI\WORKGROUP_ANIMATION\Data\Scripts\bb_pipeline\",
line 101, in ?
    oWriter = bbExportGranules()

File "\\Linuxserver\ANIMATION\XSI\WORKGROUP_ANIMATION\Data\Scripts\bb_pipeline\bb_granules\bb_granuleexport\",
line 73, in __init__
    bbExportMeta.__init__( self )

TypeError: unbound method __init__() must be called with bbExportMeta
instance as first argument (got bbExportGranules instance instead)
 - [line 343 in

In normal English:

I have class bbExportGranules
bbExportGranules is a sub-class of 6 other classes
In the __init__() of bbExportGranules class, I call the __init__() of
5 of these super-classes.

The init of bbExportGranules:

class bbExportGranules( bbExportMeta, bbExportClusters,
bbExportMaterials, bbExportKinematics, bbExportModels, bbExportMetaToc
	def __init__( self ):
		bbExportMeta.__init__( self )
		bbExportClusters.__init__( self )
		bbExportMaterials.__init__( self )
		bbExportKinematics.__init__( self )
		bbExportModels.__init__( self )

And the bbExportMeta class (the error is raised when bbExportGranules
is subclassing that one):

class bbExportMeta:
	def __init__( self ):
		self.iPreviousAssetVersion = gec.iNOPREVIOUSASSETVERSION
		self.iCurrentAssetVersion = gec.iMINCURRENTASSETVERSION
		self.sPreviousAssetProject = xsi.getdefaultproject()

Any suggestion? I really, really don't see what I'm doing wrong here,
especially that it actually used to work!


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