problem with regex

Tim Chase python.list at
Fri Jul 28 09:03:19 EDT 2006

> when I do, re.compile('[A-Za-z]:\\([^/:\*\?"<>\|])*') ...I get
> sre_constants.error: unbalanced parenthesis

Because you're not using raw strings, the escapables become 
escaped, making your regexp something like


(because it knows what "\\" is, but likely doesn't attribute 
significance to "\?" or "\|", and thus leaves them alone).

Thus, you have "\(" in your regexp, which is a literal 
open-paren.  But you have a ")", which is a "close a grouping" 
paren.  The error is indicating that the "close a grouping" paren 
doesn't close some previously opened paren.

General good practice shoves all this stuff in a raw string:


which solves much of the headache.


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