Regular expression issue

dmbkiwi at dmbkiwi at
Wed Jul 19 06:28:18 EDT 2006

I'm trying to parse a line of html as follows:

<td style="width:20%" align="left">101.120:( KPA (-)</td>
<td style="width:35%" align="left">Snow on Ground)0 </td>

however, sometimes it looks like this:

<td style="width:20%" align="left">N/A</td>
<td style="width:35%" align="left">Snow on Ground)0 </td>

I want to get either the numerical value 101.120 (which could be a
different number depending on the data that's been fed into the page,
or in terms of the second option, 'N/A'.

The regexp I'm using is:


Can someone help me debug this.  It's not picking up the number, and
I'm not sure I've got the syntax for '|' right, but can't find a
detailed tutorial on how to use |.

Any help would be appreciated.



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