Tkinter, grid, in_: widget definition order significant ?!

Sorin Schwimmer sxn02 at
Tue Jul 4 12:08:45 EDT 2006


Working on my current project, I discovered the following behaviour: a widget defined before the window in which I try to grid it won't show up, but will take space and behave like it is there (blind typing proves it). A widget defined after the griding window will come up fine. The following example illustrates my point:

from Tkinter import *

l1=Label(r, text='first label')
l1.grid(in_=f, row=0)
l2=Label(r, text='second label')
l2.grid(in_=f, row=1)

On my system (Gentoo Linux, Python 2.4.1) l1 (defined before f) takes spaces, but is invisible, while l2 (defined after f) is OK.

That's the way it is intended to be? How would I grid stuff in dynamically created windows?

Thanks for your advice,
Sorin Schwimmer

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