Is there any better way to approach this problem?

Hitesh Joshi hitesh287 at
Wed Jul 19 14:23:56 EDT 2006


I am newbie python dude. I need few hints.

 I created a DB table with following fields
UserID(PK), TimeStamp, Version, IP, Port

I need to insert these info from this .log file and the log file has
lines like following with some junk garbase like "attempt using client
software " I need to get rid of that.

10:03:54.527 (01) - User (xxx123) login attempt using client software
version ( from IP ( port (xxxx)

Create a while 1 loop, read line from file.. disect line and insert
'stuff' into those variables and then run a query from inside the
python to insert data... and do this untill EOF...
Is there any better way to approach this problem?

so if I have variable , let's say, TimeStamp, UserID, Version,
IPAddress and  PortNum.. how can I disect this line and insert into
this variable? 

Thank you,

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