xml aggregator

Gerard Flanagan grflanagan at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jul 10 14:42:46 EDT 2006

kepioo wrote:
> Thank you so much, it works and it rocks !

Great! Glad I could help.

> bad thing i need ot figure out is why mozilla cannot parse my xsl
> sheet, but it works in IE ( most of my users are using IE)

you could try transforming the xml on the server and send straight HTML
to the client - if you were to use CherryPy (http://www.cherrypy.org),
there is a filter which does this called picket:


you would also need to install 4Suite (http://4suite.org)

> so the module u wrote is to top up element tree with Xpath
> capabilities, is it?

it minimally extends the functionality of elementtree's existing
'findall' function - and it hasn't been put to much use, so let me know
if you run into problems.

the idea came from reading about the 'Specification Pattern':

    pdf - http://www.martinfowler.com/apsupp/spec.pdf

good luck!


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