Worarrounding hardcoded Option class in optparse in Python 2.3

Pupeno pupeno at pupeno.com
Wed Jul 26 17:50:03 EDT 2006

I am doing some extreme use of optparse, that is, extending it as explained
I have subclassed OptionParser and Option. MyOptionParser uses MyOption as
option_class and in Python 2.4 it works. But I have to target Python 2.3.
In Python 2.3 the help and version options seem to be created before even a
parser is created and they are created using a hardcoded call to Option.
So, they are not using MyOption. I am creating MyOption specifically for
the help and version Option so I need the to be MyOption.
I check out the documentation of this module for Python 2.3 and it
recommends the same procedure:
Is this a bug in Python 2.3 that was solved in 2.4 and nobody cared to
backport ?
At any rate, what are my options (no pun intended) ?
I could copy and paste the fix[1] from Python 2.4 into MyOptionParser; I
checked it carefull and it seems it would work, but I am not sure, does
anybody know ?
Should I override the hardcoded module variables of optparse in 2.3 ? (that
seems like a bad, bad idea).
I am open to suggestions.
Pupeno <pupeno at pupeno.com> (http://pupeno.com)

[1] That would be:

    def _add_help_option(self):
        self.add_option("-h", "--help",
                        help=_("show this help message and exit"))

    def _add_version_option(self):
                        help=_("show program's version number and exit"))

    def _populate_option_list(self, option_list, add_help=True):
        if self.standard_option_list:
        if option_list:
        if self.version:
        if add_help:

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