IronPython and scipy/pyExcelerator

Fuzzyman fuzzyman at
Sat Jul 22 11:29:20 EDT 2006

tkpmep at wrote:
> I'm looking forward to the release IronPython, primarily for its IDE. I
> currently use scipy and pyExcelerator to crunch numbers and write them
> to Excel: does can these packages be used with IronPython as well?
> Thanks in advance

You could try Python for .NET. This is a version of cPython with
support for .NET built in.

You may have to amend the code that Visual Studio produces to work with
Python for .NET rather than for IronPython  (necessary changes may be
restricted to the import syntax).

SciPy makes extensive use of C extensions which aren't currently
supoorted by IronPython. There has been some preliminary work done dy
Seo Sanghyeon on a 'reflector' that uses ctypes to allow IronPython to
access cPython C extensions. My understanding is that it works (at
least partially) but that the exceptions it returns are (currently)


and also search the IronPython mailing lists. Alternatively you could
use interprocess communication between cPython and IronPython ;-)

All the best,


> Thomas Philips

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