EnhancedObject: Yet Another Python ORM (an RFC)

eduardo.padoan at gmail.com eduardo.padoan at gmail.com
Wed Jul 5 11:25:20 EDT 2006

I have some ideas about a ORM design, but have no time to start its
I used SQLObject, Django's Model, and looked at SQLAlchemy and Dejavu,
an readed some thread in the last year or so.
Here is an example:

#from EnhancedOcject.all import *
from EnhancedObject.core import EObject, EType, EPersistModel,
EMetaType # EMetaType => EType
from EnhancedObject.utils import e_apply
## map attributes to fields - All Inheriting from EAttribute
from EnhancedObject.basic import EInt, EStr, EUni, EFloat #
python_types->db_types Bridges
from EnhancedObject.datime import EDate, ETime, EDateTime #
python_libs->db_types Bridges
from EnhancedObject.relat import EComposition, EAgregation,
# EAssociation SubClasses by multiplexity
from EnhancedObject.relat import EHasMany, EHasA

MyEType = __metaclass__ = EMetaType(engine="postgre", dbname="foo")) #
Right place to do that?

# EPersistModel: EFields? EPersistAttribs? EAttrsToFields? EMetaTable?
func_table = EPersistModel(name=EStr(maxlen=50, required=True),
sector_table = EPersistModel(name=EStr(maxlen=25, required=True))

class Person:
    # persist_model inherited as False - non-persistent objects
    def do_things_people_do(self):

class Func(Person):
    persist_model = func_table
    sector = EAssociation('Sector', mult=1) # Multiplexities = 1..* =
                                            #                  0..1 =
(0, 1)
                                            #                  0..* =
                                            #                etc...
    def __init__(**kw):
        ## Just a litle convenience, the same as:
        ##     self.name, self.hired, self.salary = name, hired, salary
        ## but with the meth. sig. as:
        ##     def __init__(self, name, hired, salary=500.00)
        e_apply(self, kw, ['name', 'hired', ('salary', 500.00)])
        ## raises an exception when 'name' or 'hired' is not found in
        ## raises an warning when an key in kw is not in the list

class Sector:
    persist_model = sector_table
    funcs = EAssociation('Func', mult=(1,))
    def __init__(**kw):
        e_apply(self, kw, 'name')

for table in MyEType.instances: # instaces: an iterable
(EObjInstancesManager instance)
    if table.persist_model:
## OR

## TODO: Inheritance beetween persistent classes
##       How will this work? the must util and consistent way

s1 = Sector("IT")
f1 = Func(name="Gornivaldo Plezituso", hired=date.now(), sector=s1)

list("#%i:%d" % (i, name) for name in enumerate(f1.instances)) # =>
["#1: Gornivaldo Plezituso"]

# Lets Query!
# q_: query methods for each persistent instance attribute in the
related EObjInstancesManager
#     returns an EQuery object, that has q_ methods too, to refine the
#     lazyness: only executes the query when iterated or indexed:
f1 = Func.instances.q_name(eq="Gornivaldo
                       # eq, diff, gt, lt, le, ge, starts_with,
ends_with, etc

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