General Hash Functions In Python

Arash Partow partow at
Mon Jul 17 08:13:20 EDT 2006

John Machin wrote:
> Who is likely to bother? In timbot we trust. Have you read the comments
> at the start of Objects/dictobject.c?
No I haven't probably wont be anytime soon, as far as time, well
people interested, as is how started my original port, would be more
than willing to try/assess the routines for sets of strings that they
wish to hash etc.. this site may help explain plus has some code
snippets that may help you understand what I mean.

> [Aside: it's not "in the built-in dict". Any type which wants its
> instances to be hashable defines its own hash method, one that suits the
> type.]
> This belief would be based on:
> (a) actual testing by you
> or (b) a refereed academic paper which did such tests on hash functions
> (including the Python "standard default hash")
> or (c) ...???

Experience has shown me that the belief than one "default" way of
hashing is generally not the optimal way for the overwhelming
majority of data, but then again....

> What is the Python "standard default hash", anyway? It is written in C.
> Wouldn't it have been a good idea to provide a Python function for it,
> so that people who are going to "come up with their own specific
> efficient solutions" had something to compare with? Or perhaps they are
> intended to "port" your functions back into C?

The above link provides a very simple hash test framework, the
"standard default hash" can be placed in there and tested amongst
the other algorithms.

> A few more questions:
> Why have you truncated the answers to 31 bits?
algorithms were adapted from unsigned int, i should have removed that
final truncation in python.

> Have you tested that these functions produce the same output (apart from
> the 31-bit thing) as the originals that you worked from? The reason for
> asking is that Python unlike C doesn't lose any bits in the <<
> operation; if this is followed by a >> you may be shifting some unwanted
>   1-bits back in again.

Some of them do others don't (not really important unless you are
trying to be compatible with other implementations which this is
not), I am aware of python not truncating/wrapping of values under
various operations, I believe its a nice little side effect from
python which gives more bits to play with as long as you don't
truncate them as I have.

> Talking about not losing bits: For your 36-byte example input, the
> SDBMHash (with its << 16) is up to about 566 bits before you truncate it
> to 31. A little over the top, perhaps. Maybe not the fastest way of
> doing it.
Possibly, do you have a better solution I'm very keen to learn...

> What is the purpose of the calls to long() in PJWHash?
trying to cast to long, looking at it now its rather superfluous.

> And the $64K question: What is the quintessential difference between
> PJWHash and ELFHash?
Nothing, elf is essentially pjw, its just optimised for 32-bit systems
in that the calculation for th's etc are static where has pjw
required sizeof to calc the th's which i couldn't find a way of doing,
so i fudged it in the hope that maybe sometime in the future a work
around of sorts could be developed.

Again this was just a simple posting, I hoped to maybe gets some
comments and may present some ideas to people, I don't expect anyone
to drop everything and start using these, just thought it might be
something interesting for this NG. btw I'm not a very good python
programmer ATM.

Arash Partow
Be one who knows what they don't know,
Instead of being one who knows not what they don't know,
Thinking they know everything about all things.

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