ImportError: cannot open shared object file: Permission denied

dccarson at dccarson at
Thu Jul 27 17:57:38 EDT 2006

I have a similar question (importing cx_Oracle, but not related to
cron).  I would like to use solution #2 below and it does not work.  If
I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running python, it works.  If I try to set
it via os.environ, it does not work.

I have tried this in an interactive Python shell.  I can print the
value of os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] and it is correct, but the
import fails.  The file is found, but when it tries to
load the necessary Oracle library (, I get the

  ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No
such file or directory

Is there something else I have to do when changing os.environ before
trying the import?

P.S. Please post, as I don't read this e-mail account.

Damjan wrote:

> These environment variables are important for running any programs that use
> the oracle client libraries. The problem you have is that when you run the
> script from cron these environment variables are not set.
> Now, there are several ways how to handle this:
> 1. create a shell script that you call from cron, and it it set the
> environment variables and then call you python program
> 2. modify the environment in your python program (via os.environ) and then
> import cx_Oracle
> 3. modify your system so that no environment variables are neccesseary -
> actually this is not possible, but what I have is, symbolic links
> in /usr/lib to the libraries in $ORACLE_HOME/lib, thus I don't need the
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, and the only other variable I need is the
> ORACLE_HOME, which is /usr/share/oracle on my system and it contains
> bin/  install/  lib/  network/  ocommon/  oracore/  rdbms/  sqlplus/
> -- 
> damjan

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