Python function with **kwargs Question

Christian Tismer tismer at
Thu Jan 5 18:47:39 EST 2006

Hi Fletch,


>>> How do I tell Python to treat '-' as a normal character but not part 
>>> of an expression?
>> By changing the parser :-)
> Oh, you py-py guys, always thinking you have to re-implement Python ;)

Well, in the given context, assuming keywords are supposed
to be used like keyword-arguments, I was trying to suggest that
"this is not Python".

>> Keywords are limited to obey Python syntax.
> Sure, but you can do something like this:
>  >>> def x( **named ):
> ...     print named
> ...

Indeed, a nice idea for another hacker contest. :-)
I had no reason to assume that one would go this
way to break one's fingers just to abuse keyword

Anyway, I agree that this is possible. While it reminds
me on the "Is 'everything' a refrence or isn't it?" thread,
which has turned into anything else but help for the original poster.

ciao - chris
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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