Augmented generators?

Lonnie Princehouse finite.automaton at
Tue Jan 10 14:10:24 EST 2006

AFAIK there's no way to have "yield" produce anything other than a
You could achieve the syntax you want with a decorator, although under
the hood it would still be iterating over a (key,value) tuples so
there's not really any point.

class GeneratorTupleWrapper:
  def __init__(self, g):
    self.g = g
  def next(self):
    key, self._value =
    return key
  def value(self):
    return self._value

def magic_generator (func):
  def wrapper(*a, **b):
    return GeneratorTupleWrapper(func(*a, **b))

def kviter(d):
  for i in d:
    yield i, d[i]

it = kviter(d)
for key in it:
  if <something>:

Also: dict.iteritems() enumerates (key,value) tuples for dictionaries,
so kviter isn't necessary if d is a dictionary.  I don't know the
internal mechanism used by dict for iteritems, but it's a fair bet that
it's more efficient than performing a lookup for every single key.

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