syntax error

Sheldon shejo284 at
Tue Jan 10 07:54:22 EST 2006

Hi Everyone,

I am new here but I am pretty good at python programming but I am not
exert. I have been away from programming for about a year and now I am
programming in python again in combination with IDL.
I came across a error that puzzles me and I need some help. It is
pretty simple error but I suspect that the problem is not what is
python says it is.
While parsing a module my python reported a synthax error that, to me,
seemed perfectly ok:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/local_disk/opt/MSG_PostProc/scr/", line
2, in ?
    from msgpp_config import *
  File "/local_disk/opt/MSG_PostProc/cfg/", line 73
    from smhi_safnwc_legends import *
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Now I know that there is no synthax error with that line of code. I
have also checked for indentations errors. I think that the error is
something else. Can anyone point me in the right direction? What
triggers such erroneous errors in Python?


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