Why optparse wont import?

Karlo Lozovina _karlo_ at _mosor.net_
Fri Jan 20 18:28:05 EST 2006

If I create a file with only one line:

from optparse import OptionParser

I get this when I try to run it from "DOS" prompt:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "optparse.py", line 1, in ?
    from optparse import OptionParser
  File "X:\data\other\source\python\population\optparse.py", line 1, in ?
    from optparse import OptionParser
ImportError: cannot import name OptionParser

When I try to do that from Python prompt everything works fine. What's the 

 _______                                        Karlo Lozovina - Mosor
|   |   |.-----.-----.     web: http://www.mosor.net || ICQ#: 10667163
|       ||  _  |  _  |             Parce mihi domine quia Dalmata sum.

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