append to the end of a dictionary

Tim Chase python.list at
Tue Jan 24 10:07:26 EST 2006

> that means I can neither have a dictionary with 2 identical keys but 
> different values...?

correct :)

> I would need e.g. this:
> (a list of ports and protocols, to be treated later in a loop)
> ports = {'5631': 'udp', '5632': 'tcp', '3389': 'tcp', '5900': 'tcp'}
> #then:
> for port,protocol in ports.iteritems():
> ________print port,protocol
> ________#do more stuff
> What would be the appropriate pythonic way of doing this?

I would lean towards using tuples, as in

ports = [('5631','udp'), ('5632', 'tcp'), ('3389','tcp'), 

which you can then drop into your code:

	for (port, protocol) in ports:
		print port, protocol
		#do more stuff

This allows you to use the same port with both UDP and TCP.  If 
you want to ensure that only one pair (port+protocol) can be in 
the list, you can use a set() object:


(or in earlier versions:

	from sets import Set
	s = Set(ports)

which I happened to have here)

This will ensure that you don't end up with more than one item 
with the same port+protocol pair.


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