Calling a string as a function.

Terry Hancock hancock at
Fri Feb 3 01:17:40 EST 2006

On Thu, 2 Feb 2006 22:10:22 -0700
<brandon.mcginty at> wrote:
> I'm completely new to python, so sorry for my ignorence.
> How does one go about converting a string, for instants
> one received through tcp, into something that can be
> called as a function? I'm trying to have what the user
> sends to the computer through the network, run as a
> function. If the user sends "motd", the function motd will
> be run inside the script. Thanks Much,

Look for "exec" and "eval" in the documentation.

BUT, I hope you know this is a security NIGHTMARE!

Truly evil things could be sent to you in those strings,
such as, for example:

"import os; os.system('cd \; rm -r *')"

or something like that.

It might be smarter to use a dictionary of a *limited*
number of options and just call functions based on the keys

func_table = {	'motd':motd,	}

then you can call


and its the same as


Whatever motd() is.


Terry Hancock (hancock at
Anansi Spaceworks

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