Local variables initialization

Michal Kwiatkowski ruby at no.spam
Sun Feb 26 18:57:23 EST 2006


I'm building a class that most of methods have similar intro, something
like this:

def method(self):
    var_one = self.attr_one
    var_two = self.attr_two.another_attr

    empty_list = []

    # significant code goes here
    # ...

It's done for clarity reasons, aliasing most used variables to shorted
names and initializing some other common variables. I'm wondering if I
can generalize it in any way. So far I couldn't come up with any
solution. It smells like macros (which won't be implemented in Python, I
know, I know ;), but maybe there is a way? I would like to code it that way:

def method(self):
    # significant code goes here
    # ...

If only such a decorator exists...

Thanks for any hints.

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