Pythonic gui format?

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch bj_666 at
Wed Feb 15 18:38:08 EST 2006

In <t9mdncjHu9hxE2_eRVn-oA at>, DH wrote:

>> And what about true vs True and false vs False ?-)
> The syntax is the same, except for, as I said, JSON's multiline comments.
> The semantics do differ, but that has nothing to do with the user's
> question, about an alternative to XML for data representation.  You
> can use "true" or True or "null" or None or whatever semantic values
> you want.

You can't use `True`, `False` and `None` in JSON documents.  And strings
are delimited by `"` and not `'`.  The `\x??` escape is forbidden in
strings and it's not allowed to leave out a leading zero in numbers, nor
is it allowed to start a number with a unary `+`.

	Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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