Getting Tkinter Text contents before destruction

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Thu Feb 9 09:19:29 EST 2006

Bob Greschke wrote:

> I want to grab the contents of a Text widget when the frame it's on gets destroyed.  I tried 
> TextWidget.bind("<Destroy>"... , but the widget is gone before the call gets made, and I'd really 
> hate to do something with the function that gets called with TextWidgetsFrame.bind("<Destroy>", 
> ..., since that one function handles all of the frames in the program...or would that even work?
> How can I do this?

in what ways can the frame be destroyed ?

assuming that you're talking about user-initiated actions, the most reasonable way
to do this is to implement a WM_DELETE_WINDOW handler on the toplevel
window that the frame is located in, and deal with the text widget in there.  see:


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