Safe Python Execution

dbpokorny at dbpokorny at
Tue Feb 21 02:05:38 EST 2006

It looks like untrustedinterpreter has at least two major obstacles to
executing reasonably complex code:

augmented assignment is not supported:
    a.b = 'foo'
is translated into
    __getattr__(a,b) = 'foo'

Second, this is mysterious, but nevertheless...
"""This form of restricted Python assumes that security proxies will be
used to protect assets.  Given this, the only thing that actually
needs to be done differently by the generated code is to:
<some other items>
- Prevent try/except and raise statements. This is mainly because they
  don't work properly in the presense of security proxies.  Try/except
  statements will be made to work in the future.

Is anyone aware of a more functional but still untrusted python? One
could remove the ability to access pipes & files from regular python,
build it, and launch the resulting python-slave from a (normal python)
master process... However I'm pretty confident that if I did this
myself, I'd leave more than a few glaring security holes for an
ambitious 9-year-old.

Any help appreciated!


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