Processing text using python

Gerard Flanagan grflanagan at
Mon Feb 20 12:24:47 EST 2006

nuttydevil wrote:
> Hey everyone! I'm hoping someone will be able to help me, cause I
> haven't had success searching on the web so far... I have large chunks
> of text ( all in a long string) that are currently all in separate
> notebook files. I want to use python to read these strings of text,
> THREE CHARACTERS AT A TIME. (I'm studying the genetic code you see, so
> I need to read and analyse each sequence one codon at a time
> effectively.) Does anyone have any idea of how to do this using python?
> I'm going to be optimistic and thank you for your help in advance!
> Samantha.


num_codons = len(data1) // 3

codons = [ data1[3*i:3*(i+1)] for i in range( num_codons ) ]

print codons

class Codon(object):
    #__slots__ = ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']
    def __init__(self, a, b, c):
        self.alpha = a
        self.beta = b
        self.gamma = c

codons = [ Codon(*codon) for codon in codons ]

print codons[0].alpha, codons[0].beta, codons[0].gamma


['FOO', 'TFA', 'LLS', 'ECH', 'OIN', 'THE', 'MEM', 'ORY', '\nDO', 'WNT',
'HEP', 'ASS', 'AGE', 'WHI', 'CHW', 'EDI', 'DNO', 'TTA', 'KE\n', 'TOW',
'ARD', 'STH', 'EDO', 'ORW', 'ENE', 'VER', 'OPE', 'NED']


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