is there a better way?

Bruno Desthuilliers bdesth.quelquechose at
Sun Feb 12 11:29:13 EST 2006

markscala at a écrit :
> Problem:
> You have a list of unknown length,

This doesn't exist in Python:

> such as this: list =
> [X,X,X,O,O,O,O].  You want to extract all and only the X's.

braindead solution - relying on zeros being zeros or any other False value:
all_xxx = filter(None, [X,X,X,O,O,O,O])

>  You know
> the X's are all up front and you know that the item after the last X is
> an O, or that the list ends with an X.  There are never O's between
> X's.

Then it *may* be possible to optimize - but code will break as soon as 
this rule change. So is there a real need for optimisation ? (hint: dont 
guess, profile)

FWIW, I've collected all suggestions here (and perhaps some others) and 
hacked a Q&D benchmark. Usage is:

python [repeat [list_size [xcount]]

* repeat is the number of iteration, default to 1000
* list_size is the size of the list, default to 100
* xcount is the number or non-zero values in the list, default is random

I've run it a few times, and it seems that in most cases,
  *  the bisect-like approach (Alex Martelli / Karl Friedrich Bolz) is 
the winner
  * the while/pop approach of the OP (slightly rewritten...) is really wrong

FWIW, one of the dummiest possible approach IMHO
(ie filter(None, alist)) behaves quite correctly wrt some other 
'optimized' approachs - and is still safe if the rules about the 
composition of the list changes... Could it be that no optimization is 
sometime the best optimisation ?-)

from itertools import takewhile
from timeit import Timer
from random import randint

def get_list(size, xcount=None):
     if xcount is None:
         xcount = randint(1, size)
         assert xcount <= size
     zcount = size - xcount
     return [1] * xcount + [0] * zcount

def with_while(alist):
     res = []
     while alist and alist[0]:
     return res

def with_for(alist):
     res = []
     for x in alist:
         if not x: break
     return res

def with_filter(alist):
     return filter(None, alist)

def with_comprehension(alist):
     return [x for x in alist if x]

def with_takewhile(alist):
     return list(takewhile(lambda x: x!=0, alist))

def with_slice_try(alist):
         return alist[:alist.index(0)]
     except ValueError:
         return alist[:]

def with_slice_safe(alist):
     return alist[:alist.index(0)]

def with_delslice_safe(alist):
     del alist[alist.index(0):]
     return alist

def with_sect(alist):
     low = 0
     high = len(alist)
     while low < high:
         mid = (low + high) // 2
         if alist[mid] == 0:
             high = mid
             low = mid + 1
     return alist[:low]

_candidates = [n for n, o  in locals().copy().items() \
                if n.startswith('with_') and callable(o)]

def run_test(repeat=1000, list_size='100', xcount='None'):
     global _candidate

     print """
params :
  * repeat : %s
  * list_size : %s
  * xcounts : %s
"""  % (repeat, list_size, xcount)
     results = {}
     for n in _candidates:
         stm, stp = ('%s(get_list(%s, %s))' % (n, list_size, xcount),
                     'from __main__ import %s, get_list' % n)
         results[n] =  Timer(stm, stp).timeit(repeat)

     sorted_results = sorted([(time, (n, time)) \
                               for n, time in results.items()])
     for _, result in sorted_results:
         print "%s : %s" % result

def main(args):
         repeat = int(args.pop(0))
         repeat = 1000
         list_size = args.pop(0)
         list_size = '100'
         xcount = args.pop(0)
         xcount = 'None' # -> random

     run_test(repeat, list_size, xcount)

if __name__ == '__main__':
     import sys


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