Object Oriented vs Pythonic Code, and Pythonic standards

Carl J. Van Arsdall cvanarsdall at mvista.com
Tue Feb 7 13:43:25 EST 2006

It seems the more I come to learn about Python as a langauge and the way 
its used I've come across several discussions where people discuss how 
to do things using an OO model and then how to design software in a more 
"Pythonic" way.

My question is, should we as python developers be trying to write code 
that follows more of a python standard or should we try to spend our 
efforts to stick to a more traditional OO model? 

For example, in C++ I might make a file that defines a class and all its 
methods, at which point I create an object and do things with it.  My 
interpretation of what is "Pythonic" would be instead of creating a 
class I would just define functions and maybe some variables global to a 
module.  At this point, I import the module and just make function calls.

There are many similarities here, but the difference is that in python I 
don't feel as though I would define a class, I would just treat the 
python module as a class instead, especially if it was a type of object 
that I would only need a single instance of.

The second question that arises from Pythonism is, has the community 
drafted a standard for quality "Pythonic" code?




Carl J. Van Arsdall
cvanarsdall at mvista.com
Build and Release
MontaVista Software

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