Logging hangs thread after detaching a StreamHandler's terminal

python-list.overbored at spamgourmet.com python-list.overbored at spamgourmet.com
Tue Feb 14 01:00:36 EST 2006

Hi all,

After many hours, I think I've found a bug in the logging module!

If you add a (stdout) StreamHandler to a logger, then detach the
terminal for that stdout, subsequent calls to log() will hang the
calling thread.

To reproduce this, write the following scripts (this was a small test
case I came up with - maybe there's something simpler):

$ cat tryhup.bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash
scp hup.* localhost:
ssh localhost './hup.bash ; while true ; do sleep 1 ; done'

$ cat hup.bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash
./hup.py &

$ cat hup.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
import logging
f = file( '/tmp/hup.out', 'w' )
        logging.basicConfig( filename = '/tmp/lup.out', filemode = 'w' )
        logging.getLogger('').addHandler( logging.StreamHandler() )
        while True:
                f.write( '-------\n' )
                logging.critical( '======' )

Run ./tryhup.bash. It will sit in an idle spin. Monitor the files
/tmp/hup.out and /tmp/lup.out. Hit Ctrl-C on tryhup to kill it. The
python process is still running, but is stalled (the .out files are no
longer changing).

If you remove the above labeled line, however, this doesn't happen.

Can anybody please acknowledge this bug? Any temporary workarounds to
this problem? Thanks in advance for looking into this and for hearing
me in!

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