fairly large webapp: from Java to Python. experiences?

Fabio Zadrozny fabioz at esss.com.br
Mon Feb 6 07:15:38 EST 2006

I agree that python code is usually smaller... but what you did is too 
unfair (the code below would be more suitable for the comparrison).

print "%10.2f" % 10

System.out.println(String.format("%10.2f", 10.0));

-- altough for me it would be the same, as I have defined a print 
method... so, it is always something as:
print ("%10.2f", 10) in java for me :-)

What I'm trying to say here is that if you already have a big java app, 
sometimes spending some time trying to refactor it for better 
understanding is more useful than scrapping what already exists 
(especially if you have good test cases)... altough I would reccomend 
jython for new development on that same application.

I guess that the main difference is that python usually makes you do the 
right thing, whereas in java you need to know a lot more about it to 
manage to do the right thing...



Fabio Zadrozny
Software Developer

ESSS - Engineering Simulation and Scientific Software

PyDev - Python Development Enviroment for Eclipse

Giovanni Bajo wrote:

>John M. Gabriele wrote:
>>>But once it is
>>>there, Python is a good choice for web apps. Java is slow
>>Slow? They're both dynamic languages, but Java is statically
>>typed (with less work to do at runtime). For long-running processes,
>>I'd guess that Java bytecode executes faster than Python bytecode.
>It's not the raw computing performance that counts in this case. I got this
>joke in my mail today:
>print "%10.2f" % x
>java.text.NumberFormat formatter = java.text.NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
>String s = formatter.format(x);
>for (int i = s.length(); i < 10; i++) System.out.print(' ');
>Let alone the time it takes to write this routine, I'm hundered percent sure
>that the Python's version is also faster at runtime. Python lets you write
>pretty expressive code which is easy to maintain and where the computation cost
>is easily at the C level. Also Python code is pretty bare-metal, so that
>file.write or socket.write go to the syscall immediately. Try that in Java and
>you'll find 30 layers of complex abstractions for doubtful benefits and obvious

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