Downloading Large Files -- Feedback?

mwt michaeltaft at
Sun Feb 12 15:01:29 EST 2006

This code works fine to download files from the web and write them to
the local drive:

import urllib
f =  urllib.urlopen("")
g =
file = open("", "wb")

The process is pretty opaque, however. This downloads and writes the
file with no feedback whatsoever. You don't see how many bytes you've
downloaded already, etc. Especially the "g =" step just sits
there while downloading a large file, presenting a pregnant, blinking

So my question is, what is a good way to go about coding this kind of
basic feedback? Also, since my testing has only *worked* with this
code, I'm curious if it will throw a visibile error if something goes
wrong with the download.

Thanks for any pointers. I'm busily Googling away.

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