Should we still be learning this?

Felipe Almeida Lessa felipe.lessa at
Sat Feb 18 07:51:20 EST 2006

Em Sáb, 2006-02-18 às 14:38 +0200, Max escreveu:
> On monday I start a semester course in Python (the alternative was 
> Java). I was looking through the course outline and noticed the following:
> 1) UserDict is used. This is deprecated, right?

LOL... it's the first time I see someone talking about this module.

/me checks the documentation.

Yep, looks like this module is deprecated since Python 2.2.

> 2) There is no mention of list comprehensions, but map and filter are 
> taught early and then revisited later. I don't think this is good: list 
> comprehensions are, IMO, one of Python's great features, Psyco prefers 
> them, they're more pythonic, and map and filter seem to be going out the 
> window for Python 3000.

Urgh. This sucks. Did they mention generators, at least? Sometimes list
comprehensions are even faster (I didn't check, but I think this one can
be an example of this: [i*2+2 for i in iterator] vs. map(lambda x: x*2
+2, iterator)).

They should have taught both.

> What do you think?

I wonder if they need some updating.

> --Max

Just my two cents,

"Quem excele em empregar a força militar subjulga os exércitos dos
outros povos sem travar batalha, toma cidades fortificadas dos outros
povos sem as atacar e destrói os estados dos outros povos sem lutas
prolongadas. Deve lutar sob o Céu com o propósito primordial da
'preservação'. Desse modo suas armas não se embotarão, e os ganhos
poderão ser preservados. Essa é a estratégia para planejar ofensivas."

  -- Sun Tzu, em "A arte da guerra"

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