Python, Forms, Databases

Bruno Desthuilliers bdesth.quelquechose at
Wed Feb 15 18:19:13 EST 2006

Tempo a écrit :
> Larry I do see your point. There does seem to be a lot more support for
> PHP and MySQL together than there is Python and ASP. But I want to
> first try to accomplish my goal by using Python first before I give up
> and revert back to PHP. So if I was going to parse HTML forms and place
> the data into a MySQL database, what should I use? CGI module? Zope?
> Webware? Thanks for any and all help.

Depends on what your hosting provides. Zope seems definitively out of 
the field - it's not the right tool for the job, and it requires 
specific, professionnal hosting. I don't know to much about webware. 
Pure CGI is a PITA. Something that may do the job just fine is Myghty (a 
slightly enhanced Python port of Perl Mason). A great + for Myghty is 
that it will scale if your app grows (Myghty runs on CGI, FastCGI, 
mod_python, WSGI, and even on Python's HTTPServer).

My 2 cents

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