Concantenation and string slicing

Larry Bates larry.bates at
Thu Feb 23 19:06:46 EST 2006

DannyB wrote:
> I've written a program that takes a phrase and spits it back out
> backwards.  My problem is it throws each character on a new line.  I'd
> like the phrase to be on the same line.  Is this possible?
> #Backward Message
> message = raw_input("Enter a message:  ")
> letter = len(message)
> while (letter > 0):
>         newMessage = ""
>         newMessage += message[letter-1]
>         letter -= 1
>         print newMessage
> Thanks!!
> Dan
Better was is:

message = raw_input("Enter a message:  ")
print message[::-1]

-Larry Bates

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