Python 3000 deat !? Is true division ever coming ?

rainbow.cougar at rainbow.cougar at
Tue Feb 14 09:44:02 EST 2006

seb.haase at wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it true that that "Python 3000" is dead ?
> Honestly I think that e.g. changing 5/2  to be 2.5 (instead of 2) would
> just break to much code :-(
> On the otherhand I'm using Python as "Matlab replacement" and would
> generally like 5/2 ==2.5

It's Comp. Sci. 101, based on third grade artithmetic,  not Python.
5/2=2 is integer division, that's the way integer arithmetic works.
5./2.=2.5 is floating point math, with all the round off errors that

If Matlab assumes floating point, then that's what you're paying the
big bucks for.


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