proof of concept python and tkinter gnugo interface

Anton Vredegoor anton.vredegoor at
Fri Dec 1 11:17:52 EST 2006

grindel wrote:

> Anton Vredegoor wrote:


>> Here's the proof of concept, just copy it to some dir and run the 
>> Python script:
>> It needs Python 2.5 which you can get at:

> If you talking about a simple gui for gnu go it's been done to death. 
> see any misc. pandanet client and numerous other softwares such as 
> durish or go knot. If your client is going to do something uniquely 
> different from programs like this then you should focus in this aspect 
> of the program and develop other features later. It's also important 
> that it be able to read and write sgf files

It's uniquely different from numerous other softwares in that it is 
completely open source and runs from a standard Python installation (but 
of course one has to get a Gnugo executable from somewhere). I also 
implemented reading and writing SGF files and browsing through the move 
history now.

Total command set at the moment:

-click on a coordinate: generate a move there and go out of replay mode
-space bar: computer makes a move and goes out of replay mode
-up key: save an SGF file (only the moves)
-down key: read an SGF file
-left key: go into replay mode and undo a move
-right key: show next move, if at end goes out of replay mode

Remember we're still only talking about a proof of concept script! I 
just want to attract people, and put this script into an SVN somewhere.


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