merits of Lisp vs Python

Andrew Reilly andrew-newspost at
Thu Dec 14 03:45:00 EST 2006

On Thu, 14 Dec 2006 03:01:46 -0500, Ken Tilton wrote:

> You just 
> aren't used to thinking at a level where one is writing code to write code.

Firstly, I'm looking into lisp because my current python project is too
full of boilerplate :-) and too slow.  Coming from a C and assembler
background, I'm *used* to meta-programming, and do it all the time.  I
even use python, Matlab and bash to write C, sometimes :-)

However, in this particular instance, I'm inclined to wonder why
meta-programming is the right answer, rather than just doing all of the
interpolation and what-not at run-time, based on a big table of your
algebra rules?  It's for output to a human, isn't it?  It's not as though
it needs to be particularly fast?

Maybe I'm just not digging the example sufficiently.  That's likely: I've
yet to write my first lisp program...



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