Passing variable number of named arguments

Ramashish Baranwal ramashish.lists at
Wed Dec 27 13:37:45 EST 2006


I need to process few out of a variable number of named arguments in a
function and pass the remaining to another function that also takes
variable number of named arguments. Consider this simple example,

def fun1(**kwargs):
    print kwargs.keys()

def fun2(**kwargs):
    # get id param
    id = kwargs.pop('id', '')
    # pass on remaining to fun1

When I try to call fun2 I get the following error-

TypeError: fun1() takes exactly 0 arguments (1 given)

It seems that the arguments are not passed to fun1 as named arguments.
How can I go about this? Using a dictionary in place of kwargs would be
a way, but I can't modify fun1, so thats ruled out for me.


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