TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Wed Dec 20 14:48:29 EST 2006

Mark Peters wrote:

> However, the typical Python way to iterate through a list for be to
 > use a for loop.  Perhaps replace the while statement with:
> for Townshp in Townshps:
> and remove the "Townshp = Townshps.next()" lines

that assumes that the feature class list is actually a Python iterable, 
of course, and not just something that happens to have a "next" method.


... and judging from the documentation


it's not an iterable.


you could of course replace the

     fcs = gp.ListFeatureClasses()
     fc = fcs.next()
     while fc:
         fc = fcs.next()

pattern with

    for fc in iter(gp.ListFeatureClasses().next, None):

but maybe that's a bit too clever for an absolute novice ;-)


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