Is anyone using Python for embedded applications?

Paul Rubin http
Tue Dec 12 19:59:58 EST 2006

"Carl J. Van Arsdall" <cvanarsdall at> writes:
> Oh, and if anyone has opinions/facts on why
> python should not be used in an embedded platform, I'd like to know
> that too.  I'm somewhat familiar with pythons needs on a system, but
> there are a number of things I am not aware of. Thanks to everyone for
> their input!

I haven't done it myself but have considered it.  For one project
(cancelled before a real choice had to be made) I basically decided
CPython was too big for the application, both in memory footprint and
the amount of code in the interpreter that would have to be audited
and maintained.

Among other candidates, one of my favorites was Hedgehog Lisp:

It's much smaller and simpler as Python, though with nowhere near as
many creature comforts.  Another possibility was a small JVM.

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