merits of Lisp vs Python

webraviteja at webraviteja at
Sat Dec 9 17:40:07 EST 2006

> The other possibility is that he is just trying to justify not doing it
> because it would be so hard without the regular syntax of Lisp,
> including parens, and with the JIT module resolution problem discussed
> earlier in his remarks. Understandable.

I am surprised that no one brought up Logix yet.

Macros are perfectly doable in Python while still preserving the white
space syntax. And Python is sufficiently pliable with it's dynamism to
implement this without changing the compiler. And yet, no one cares
about this project and it is effectively dead.

So it is not about technical difficulties. It is not about Python
community not having the opportunity to try out the power of macros.
The Python community on the whole does not think macros as useful.
Personally, I find it strange that we, who argued so many times for
dynamic typing, the need for expressiveness and that it is OK to trust
the programmer with power ("we are all adults here" argument) while
arguing against relatively restrictive languages like Java find macros,
a chaotic and disruptive concept.

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