
Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at yahoo.com.ar
Thu Dec 14 17:40:12 EST 2006

At Wednesday 6/12/2006 16:04, Lutz Steinborn wrote:

>I need to log each and only this loglevel to a different file.
>So for example all INFO to info.log and all ERROR to error.log.
>And I need a master logfile with all messages.
>How can I do this ?
>Any example ?

Define a handler for each logfile you want, setting the *minimum* 
level you want to get there.
Define a new Filter class:

class LevelFilter(Filter):
     def __init__(self, levelmin, levelmax):
         self.levelmin = levelmin
         self.levelmax = levelmax

     def filter(self, record):
         return (record.levelno >= self.levelmin and
             record.levelno <= self.levelmax)

and add an instance of LevelFilter to each handler. (Untested)

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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