Unexpected output while walking dirs

Evan Carmi evan at binarymanipulations.com
Thu Dec 28 04:25:16 EST 2006


i am creating a program to go through a directory structure recursively
(including directories below it) and move all files that end in .msf to
a directory above the current level.

the code i have so far is as follows:


#Author: Evan Carmi
#Date: 20061101
#Purpose: To uncorrupt Mozilla Thunderbird mail index files.
#Version: 2.04
top = 'f:\\test\\mail'

import os, time, itertools

#walk and find all files
allfiles = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top, topdown=False):
    for name in files:
        allfiles.append(os.path.join(root, name))
#remove all non .msf files
index = []	
for match in allfiles:
  if match.endswith('.msf'):
print index
#need to fix the problem with adding folders to thunderbird	
indexdest = []	
indexdest = ['%s\\..\\..\\%s\\%s\\%s' % (x , time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'),
os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(x+'\\..')), os.path.basename(x)) for 
x in index]
#\\.. to remove the ending and than basename to add it back on
indexdest = [os.path.normpath(i) for i in indexdest]
indexdest = [i.replace('Mail', 'backups-msf') for i in indexdest]

for a, b in itertools.izip(index, indexdest):
  os.renames(a, b)


if the directory structure is:

    -Local Folders

and there are no additional directories inside of Local Folders than everything
works and the script moves the .msf files to a directory on the same level as
-Mail named backups-msf.

the problem occurs when the directory structure:
    -Local Folders

has additional directories inside of Local Folders. This results in very odd
behavior and the directory structure looks like:

    -Local Folders
      -Local Folders

after running the script.
i hope that my problem is clear now, if you have any other information that
would be helpful please tell me.
 I am testing this on a w2k machine with python 2.4


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