Why not just show the out-of-range index?

Russ uymqlp502 at sneakemail.com
Mon Dec 4 19:10:06 EST 2006

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> you're forgetting that you're dealing with "squeaky wheel contributors"
> here, not the kind of nice and helpful persons that actually make open
> source work.

Please refrain from dishing out gratutious insults until you have a
clue what you are talking about. It just so happens that I *have* made
significant contributions to open-source software.

A few years ago, I spent several man-months of my own time developing a
free, open-source, full-featured GUI for voting:


GVI, The Graphical Voter Interface, is a GUI (Graphical User Interface)
for voting, suitable for use in private or public elections. Although
it could be adapted for online voting, it is currently intended only
for conventional "precinct" voting. For security reasons, GVI does not
require that the voter have access to a keyboard. It can handle
write-ins and multi-language elections, and it can automate voting
along party lines. GVI can be used for Condorcet Voting and Instant
Runoff Voting, which allow voters to rank the candidates in order of
preference. It can also be used for Approval Voting, which allows
voters to select more than one candidate.

More recently, I developed a free, open-source Python package for
dealing with physical scalars. It has an innovative feature that
preserves the efficiency of built-in numerical types with an optional


A Python class was designed to represent physical scalars and to
eliminate errors involving implicit physical units (e.g., confusing
angular degrees and radians). The standard arithmetic operators are
overloaded to provide syntax identical to that for built-in numeric
types. The scalar class comes with a complete implementation of the
standard metric system of units and many standard non-metric units. It
also allows the user to easily define a specialized or reduced set of
appropriate physical units for any particular application or domain.
Once an application has been developed and tested, the units can easily
be switched off, if desired, to achieve the execution efficiency of
operations on built-in numeric types (which can be two orders of
magnitude faster). The scalar class can also be used for discrete units
to enforce type checking of integer counts, thereby enhancing the
built-in dynamic type checking of Python.

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