Crash in PyImport_Import()

Geert Van Muylem Geert.Van.Muylem at
Mon Dec 18 16:50:44 EST 2006


The following script works fine when I call it from the python interpreter 
but not when I call it from a c application (embedded python) 
It crashes in the PyImport_Import() 

import ldap 
import distutils.sysconfig 

def TestInit(): 

   l ="") 
   l.search_s("c=BE", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "objectclass=*") 

   s = distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var('LINKFORSHARED') 

-> Python (2.5) and python-ldap (2.2.1) are recompiled for my environment
(hardened linux.)

Here is part of my makefile: 

VERSION = Python-2.5 

VERSION_LDAP = python-ldap-2.2.1 

compile: .python .python-ldap 

.python:        makefile.python .glibc $(VERSION).Setup.local 
                $(EXTRACT_PACKAGE) && \ 
                        $(CP) ../$(VERSION).Setup.local Modules/Setup.local
&& \ 
                        ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared=no && \ 
                        make && \ 
                        make install 
                cp $(VERSION)/libpython2.5.a /usr/lib/libpython.a 
                (cd /usr/include; $(LN) -sf python2.5 python ) 
                touch .python 

.python-ldap: makefile.python .python .sasl .glibc .openldap
        (rm -rf $(VERSION_LDAP)  ||  /bin/true)  && \ 
        tar xjf $(ARCHIVE_PACKAGES)/$(VERSION_LDAP).tar.bz2  && \ 
        cd $(VERSION_LDAP) && \ 
                $(CP) ../python-ldap.setup.cfg setup.cfg && \ 
                python build && \ 
                python install 
        rm -rf $(VERSION_LDAP) 
        touch .python-ldap 

And my setup.cfg 

# Example for setup.cfg 
# You have to edit this file to reflect your system configuation 
# $Id: setup.cfg.suse-linux,v 1.1 2003/08/20 10:04:34 stroeder Exp $ 

# Section for compiling the C extension module 
# for wrapping OpenLDAP 2 libs 

library_dirs = /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/sasl2/ 
include_dirs = /usr/include/sasl/ /usr/include/sasl2/ 
extra_compile_args = 
extra_objects = 

# Example for full-featured SuSE build: 
# Support for StartTLS/LDAPS, SASL bind and reentrant libldap_r. 
# This needs recent OpenLDAP 2.0.26+ or 2.1.3+ built with 
#./configure --with-cyrus-sasl --with-tls 
libs = python ldap_r lber sasl2 ssl crypto resolv dl db m util pthread 

# Installation options 
compile = 1 
optimize = 1 

Everything is done in a chroot-ed environment...when building python-ldap,
it uses 
the newly installed python includes.... 
The test application is linked against the static version libpython.a





    m_iPython = 1;


    printf ("Before Py_Initialize...\n");


    printf ("After Py_Initialize...\n");


    PyObject *pName = PyString_FromString("PyTest");

    if ( pName != NULL )


        // Load the Python module

                printf ("Before Import...\n");

        m_pModule = PyImport_Import(pName);

                printf ("After Import...\n");

        if (m_pModule != NULL)


                m_iPython = 0;

                m_pDictionary = PyModule_GetDict(m_pModule);




    return (m_iPython);


Hope someone can give me a hint? 



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