Restricting import file lookup for pyd, dll, ...

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at
Mon Dec 11 20:50:59 EST 2006

At Monday 11/12/2006 19:11, Bernard Lebel wrote:

>If by "shortening the PYTHONPATH" you meant having less paths, I
>hardly see how I could do less than what I do with the pth. All these
>paths seem to be built in.

I mean, delete the ones that actually don't exist. sys.path is a 
simple list; you can traverse it (perhaps backwards is easier) in or and delete unexistant entries.
Moving the network related paths (\\linuxserver\...) towards the end 
may help (if you don't get conflicts by finding the wrong module in 
the wrong place)

[Fredrik Lundh] a plain Python 2.4 interpreter can start, execute a
>command, and shut
>down in about 0.13 seconds on my machine.  2.5 does the same thing in
>0.10 seconds.
>[Bernard] The problem is not firing up the standalone Python
>interpreter. The problem is firing the application that embeds a
>Python interpreter.
>As explained above, when I start this application, many files are
>looked in many different places. All PYTHONPATH locations are
>traversed, where pyd-dll-py-pyw-pyc files are searched. Many of these
>files are searched in highly improbable locations.

But the whole process takes about 3sec - as seen on your log. 
(enabling ms resolution on FileMon may help too, because the timing 
is now too much rough)

>[Fredrik Lundh] are you sure you're benchmarking *Python's* start up
>time, and not the
>time it takes to load all the modules used by your application, or the
>time it takes for "filemon" to print all those 4500 requests to the
>monitor window?
>[Bernard] The Filemon overhead consistently clocks at 1 second, not
>matter the test I perform. Since I ran all tests with Filemon running,
>I feel safe to ignore this constant.
>Now, as to the first sentence, to be fair, no, I'm not exactly sure. I
>don't know all the details of the Python's embedding in this software,
>and this knowledge is out of my reach atm.

Have you tried running the interpreter alone? Not your embedded application.
Try invoking python with the -v flag. For an embedded application, 
define PYTHONVERBOSE=1 in the environment before running.
Perhaps it's not Python which slows down your startup, but other 
parts of the app.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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