projects: dead?

John J. Lee jjl at
Thu Dec 21 19:26:18 EST 2006

"jpellerin+nose at" <jpellerin at> writes:
> As of this morning my project is back online, so my thanks to python
> hosting/webfaction for that. I'm very grateful to them for the great
> free service they have provided. I'm sorry that they are getting killed
> with spam, but I'm also sorry that they chose to handle the problem in
> the way that they did. I had no way of knowing when I'd have access to
> my svn repository and tickets again. I'm sure you can understand why I
> was dismayed by this and why, unfortunately, I'll never be comfortable
> trusting my data to them again.

As a user of webfaction's commercial web hosting services, I'm glad
that they took the responsible action they did to stop spammers
affecting those services.

Frankly, as a user of a free service, I don't think you have the right
to demand an instant response -- though it seems they provided just
that to some such users.  What you wrote above is a fairly drastic
over-reaction.  If you need more reliable service, then pay for
hosting.  Worse, your words would not be much different if they had
been calculated to punish the very people trying to help you (I don't
say for a moment that was your intent of course!).

Like all of us who post messages on the internet <wink>, I'm sure
you'll now go and think about it for a day before hitting 'reply'


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